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Simple Actions

Some Information

The basic actions in Tesla vehicles are called RKE actions - Remote Keyless Entry Actions in other word. They can do some simple things like opening the trunk or frunk, or even locking and unlocking the vehicle.


RKE Actions are regular old UnsignedMessage messages, signed and sent off to the vehicle.

Here's an example of an unlock message:

UnsignedMessage {
Python Example
import VCSEC
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESGCM
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization

# Function to prepend message length
def prependLength(message):
return (len(message).to_bytes(2, 'big') + message)

# Try to open and import private key
privKeyFile = open('private_key.pem', 'rb')
privateKey = serialization.load_pem_private_key(, None)
except FileNotFoundError:
# If private key file not found, generate private keys
privKeyFile = open('private_key.pem', 'wb')
privateKey = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1())
privKeyFile.write(privateKey.private_bytes(serialization.Encoding.PEM, serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, serialization.NoEncryption()))

# Derive public key in X9.62 Uncompressed Point Encoding
publicKey = privateKey.public_key().public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.X962, serialization.PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint)

# Hash our public key to get our key id and extract the first 4 bytes
digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA1())
keyId = digest.finalize()[:4]

# Example Ephemeral Key
ephemeralKey = b'\x04\x79\xc0\x50\x4a\x21\x6f\xfc\x26\x46\xb7\x57\x80\x39\x9f\x1c\xe1\x23\xf4\x01\x56\x1b\x68\x5c\x31\x83\x64\xfa\x96\xcc\x3f\xe6\x7a\x5a\xc5\x04\x8c\x44\x7a\xf8\x8d\x91\x52\x86\x5a\x1e\xfc\x15\xbb\xd5\x68\x98\xdd\x2c\x46\xf7\xa1\x9b\xad\x4f\xb2\x80\x52\xc4\x60'

# Put the known curve of the key into a variable
curve = ec.SECP256R1()
# Use the curve to put the ephemeral key into a workable format
ephemeralKey = ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(curve, ephemeralKey)
# Prepare a hasher
hasher = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA1())
# Derive an AES secret from our private key and the vehicle's public key
aesSecret =, ephemeralKey)
# Put the AES secret into the hasher
# Put the first 16 bytes of the hash into a shared key variable
sharedKey = hasher.finalize()[:16]

# Put an rke action on an unsigned message with an unlock action and serialize it
unsignedMessage = VCSEC.UnsignedMessage()
unsignedMessage.RKEAction = VCSEC.RKEAction_E.RKE_ACTION_UNLOCK
unsignedMessageS = unsignedMessage.SerializeToString()

# Print out the unsigned message layout for information purposes
print("Unsigned Message Layout:")

# Set counter to 3 and create a nonce from it
counter = 3
nonce = int.to_bytes(counter, 4, "big")

# Initialize an AES encryptor in GCM mode and encrypt the message using it
encryptor = AESGCM(sharedKey)
# This will error out if you're using the latest version of the library as I'm using a 4 byte long nonce
encryptedMsgWithTag = encryptor.encrypt(nonce, unsignedMessageS, None)
except ValueError:
print("Error: The library doesn't allow nonces as small as 4 bytes anymore. Please modify the if statement in the _check_params(nonce, data, associated_date) function in the cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead.AESGCM class to require the minimum length to be 1")

# Put all of this onto a "signed message" variable
signedMessage = VCSEC.SignedMessage()
signedMessage.protobufMessageAsBytes = encryptedMsgWithTag[:-16]
signedMessage.counter = counter
signedMessage.signature = encryptedMsgWithTag[-16:]
signedMessage.keyId = keyId

# Put all of this onto a "to vcsec" message
toVCSECMessage = VCSEC.ToVCSECMessage()

# Print it out for information purposes
print("\nTo VCSEC Message Layout:")

# Serialize the message and prepend the length
msg = toVCSECMessage.SerializeToString()
msg = prependLength(msg)

# Print the message to be sent to the vehicle
print("\nRKE Action Message To Send To Vehicle:")
print(msg.hex(" "))

Other Actions

As you can see, these are pretty easy to make, here's a table describing what every other action does:

RKE_ACTION_UNLOCKUnlocks the vehicle
RKE_ACTION_LOCKLocks the vehicle
RKE_ACTION_OPEN_CHARGE_PORTOpens the charging port
RKE_ACTION_CLOSE_CHARGE_PORTCloses the charging port
RKE_ACTION_SINGLE_PRESS_TOPKeyfob Action - Single press top of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_DOUBLE_PRESS_TOPKeyfob Action - Double press top of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_TRIPLE_PRESS_TOPKeyfob Action - Triple press top of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_HOLD_TOPKeyfob Action - Hold top of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_SINGLE_PRESS_BACKKeyfob Action - Single press back of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_DOUBLE_PRESS_BACKKeyfob Action - Double press back of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_TRIPLE_PRESS_BACKKeyfob Action - Triple press back of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_HOLD_BACKKeyfob Action - Hold back of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_SINGLE_PRESS_FRONTKeyfob Action - Single press front of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_DOUBLE_PRESS_FRONTKeyfob Action - Double press front of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_TRIPLE_PRESS_FRONTKeyfob Action - Triple press front of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_HOLD_FRONTKeyfob Action - Hold front of keyfob
  • Pre 2022.16.1.2: Open a 2 minute period within which the vehicle can be started without Pin To Drive
  • 2022.16.1.2 and later: useless action, does nothing
RKE_ACTION_SINGLE_PRESS_LEFTKeyfob Action - Single press left of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_DOUBLE_PRESS_LEFTKeyfob Action - Double press left of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_TRIPLE_PRESS_LEFTKeyfob Action - Triple press left of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_HOLD_LEFTKeyfob Action - Hold left of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_SINGLE_PRESS_RIGHTKeyfob Action - Single press right of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_DOUBLE_PRESS_RIGHTKeyfob Action - Double press right of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_TRIPLE_PRESS_RIGHTKeyfob Action - Triple press right of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_HOLD_RIGHTKeyfob Action - Hold right of keyfob
RKE_ACTION_AUTO_SECURE_VEHICLEManually trigger walkaway lock (better than just sending lock command, as it lets the windows roll up if that option is enabled)
RKE_ACTION_WAKE_VEHICLEWake up the vehicle